# Spatial Reality Display Plugin for Preview(BL)

## Overview
This is a "Spatial Reality Display Plugin for Preview(BL)" application that can easily Our plugin application that will allow you to preview your 3D computer graphics (3DCG) creations in 3D spatial reality using Blender. (Free of charge)
Enhancing production accuracy and efficiency throughout the creative process, with seamless operation directly from Blender.
- Functions provided by the app: Camera settings, scene transfer, scene control synchronization, application of animation, Operation of 3DCG Display, etc.
- Some data may not be able to correctly reflect scene in 3D display.
- Depending on the data, it may take a certain amount of time to transfer scenes.
- The feel of the texture and material may look different on the PC monitor and Spatial Reality Display.
## Download
## Release Note
### v1.0.0
- Initial release.
## Open Source Project
[Operating Instructions](/Products/Developer-Spatial-Reality-display/download/dcc-tools/blender-plugin/SpatiaRealityDisplayPluginforPreviewBL_Manual.pdf){.btn}