If you forgot your password

You can reset your password by performing the following steps. After resetting your password, sign-in with your new password.

  1. Select [Trouble Signing In?] from the sign-in screen.
    Sign In
  2. Select "Reset password".
    Trouble Signing In?
  3. Enter your sign-in ID (email address) on the "Password Reset" screen then select [Continue].
    Reset password
  4. Check "I'm not a robot", then select [Continue].
    I'm not a robot
  5. An email with the URL to reset your password will be sent to your sign-in ID (email address). Open the email, then select [Reset].
    Resetting your password
  6. Enter your date of birth to verify your identity, then select [Next].
    Reset password
  7. Enter your new password, then select [OK].
    Reset password
  8. A notification that your password has been reset will be sent to your sign-in ID (email address), and your password will be reset.
    Password reset
    Password reset successfully
  9. Select [Sign in] on password reset screen.
    Reset password