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Changeing the Text Size

For Windows Users

InternetExproler 6

Click [View] on the menu bar, then point to [Text Size]. In the [Text Size] list, click the text size that best meets your needs.

InternetExproler 7

Click [Page] on the menu bar, then point to [Text Size]. In the [Text Size] list, click the text size that best meets your needs.

InternetExproler 8

Click [Page] on the menu bar, then point to [Text Size]. In the [Text Size] list, click the text size that best meets your needs.

Firefox 3.x

Click [View] on the menu bar, then point to [Zoom]. Click [Zoom In] or [Zoom Out] until the text size that best meets your needs.(If you want to apply the size change only to the text, not to the image, check [Zoom Text Only].)

For Macintosh Users

Safari 4.x

Click [View] on the menu bar, then point to [Zoom]. Click [Zoom In] or [Zoom Out] until the text size that best meets your needs.(If you want to apply the size change only to the text, not to the image, check [Zoom Text Only].)

Firefox 3.x

Click [View] on the menu bar, then point to [Zoom]. Click [Zoom In] or [Zoom Out] until the text size that best meets your needs.(If you want to apply the size change only to the text, not to the image, check [Zoom Text Only].)